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Tell Bergen County DA, DROP THE CHARGES

Dear Supporter,

On March 10, 2024, a community member was charged with a "bias crime" for conduct that did not constitute a crime and was not motivated by racial bias.

Simply copy and paste the email language below and send it to prosecutor@bcpo.net

Counter-protesters gathered at the Real Estate Israel Expo to condemn the violations of international law and discriminatory practices by this corporation. Real Estate Israel had been actively promoting and listing illegal settlements in the West Bank, Palestine that they would offer during the Expo. The sale of these properties violates Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. The event hosts also violated NJ law by systematically discriminating against potential registrants and attendees.

This event took place while Israel had already taken the lives of over 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza, and Israel was in the midst of their largest illegal land grab in the West Bank since 1993. 

Rather than taking action against the premise of the event, the prosecutor charged our community member with unmerited charges. 

Let BC DA know that protesting against Israeli occupation, land theft, and discrimination is not criminal!

Simply copy and paste the email language below and send it to prosecutor@bcpo.net


In solidarity,
AMP - New Jersey Chapter


Copy and paste the email language below and send it to prosecutor@bcpo.net

Dear Bergen County District Attorney’s Office,

I am writing to express my deep concern surrounding the charges against Mr. Suleiman who, on March 10th, protested the highly controversial Real Estate expo in Teaneck New Jersey, alongside many other of my community members. He has been unjustly charged with a β€œbias crime” for conduct that not only does not amount to a crime but that was not motivated by racial-bias. The charges brought against Mr. Suleiman are a form of over punishment, and I urge you to correct this mistake by dismissing them immediately. 

Mr. Suleiman along with other protestors sought to draw attention to violations of international law and discriminatory practices by protesting the land sale of illegal settlements. The organizations and corporations involved in this event were promoting the sale of properties located in illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank, Palestine, in direct violation of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Moreover, the event hosts themselves racially profiled registrants and refused them entry based on their race, religion, or national origin. Registration was restricted to those aligning with the program organizers’ political preferences while excluding individuals who shared the same faith but were not aligned on the political matter at hand.

Mr. Suleiman’s free-speech protected participation was to publicly convey these political concerns. Any allegations against him are a product of having been verbally harassed  by passer-by and not, in any way, motivated by hate towards a protected group. In fact, the very supporters of the event engaged in harassment and intimidation by hurling insults, blocking traffic to threaten protestors, spitting, and taunting individuals, including Mr. Suleiman, in the designated protest area.

The prosecution of Mr.Suleiman and the harsh charges brought against him is erroneous and perpetuates the fallacy that political dissent is discriminatory. I urge you to drop the charges against Mr. Suleiman, clear his record, and protect our first-amendment right to protest against injustice.

Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I trust that you will act justly.

Best regards,


American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) is a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to engaging & educating Americans on Palestinian rights and the Israeli occupation. AMP is a premier national organization in the Palestine solidarity movement.


American Muslims for Palestine
6404 Seven Corners Place Ste N | Falls Church, Virginia 22044
703.534.3032 | info@ampalestine.org

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